May 1st, 2023
National Rally
Stop The Bio-labs in Italy

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Stop The Bio-labs in Italy


The land belongs to the people and the people have the right to choose how to use it.

Everyone, individually or with their own group, circle, committee, association, political or non-political movement is called on to join in.

All united in a single shout of opposition: No to bio-labs in Italy!

Eventi civici bsl3
Why attend?

The importance of civic events

Let’s build a network
to get out of the net

franco fracassi eventi civici

There is a time in your life when you have to be selfish. The 1st of May is one of them. If you care about yourself and your loved ones, if you don't want to replay the three years just gone by, come to Pesaro to say no to the Italian Wuhan.

Franco Fracassi
ugo mattei eventi civici

Against militarist proliferation paid for on people's skin, let's restore citizen protection from conditions of need and risk.

Ugo Mattei
Arnaldo Vitangeli eventi civici

If we do not know how to strongly react our future will be sealed, but if we are many, resolute and united we can start a democratic renaissance and change the future of our country. We look forward to seeing you in Pesaro.

Arnaldo Vitangeli
Alessio Fortunati eventi civici

The absolute bio-safety is a mere utopia. Wherever there is a BSL3 or 4 biolab, manipulating potentially lethal pathogens, we get the risk of a lab-leak. Whether unintentional or deliberate it doesn't matter; the catastrophic consequence would be a new pandemic nightmare.

Alessio Fortunati

If the Wuhan bio-lab did not exist, the world would not have Covid. This is enough to ask for no more new bio-labs to be funded in the world, starting of course with those planned in Italy.

Massimo Mazzucco
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